
Goldenratio 4 .dog
Goldenratio 4 .dog

goldenratio 4 .dog

As of April 2019, Venk has lost about 1/3 of her body weight (20 lbs). Venk had vveekly vveigh-ins during her vvorkouts prior to the 5K. In 2018, when it was discovered Venk was very overweight, GR Mom founded the Venkman 5K. She laid watch over Queso when Queso had ingested a foreign object and was later seen comforting Jasmine after Maggie, with whom Jasmine was bonded, passed away. In Queso's last days, she took to sleeping outside on the porch and Venk would keep her company, and when Hopper had an infection in her leg, Venk stuck to her sister like glue. Venk is very caring and empathetic with the other dogs. She was named after Dr Peter Venkman, Bill Murray’s character in Ghostbusters. Vink was invented because it rhymes with far more words, allowing her to have a song.

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While her full name is Venkman, GR Mom often refers to her as Venk or Vink, or occasionally Vonk when she's particularly derpy.

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She is also convinced that she is a sled dog after being sent boots by Blair Braverman.

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She is the founding member of both Team Chaos and the Meal Time Hype Squad and has successfully got several other dogs to join in the meal time excitement. While she's no longer the youngest member of the squad, she's still widely considered to be the derpiest. Venkman was the second member of The Golden Ratio to be adopted, following only Hopper.

Goldenratio 4 .dog